2 questions I’d like answered in relation to this topic: 1. If the U.K. could build better trading relationships with the EU, would this change your view on Brexit? 2. Which issue influences your current thoughts about Brexit: economy, immigration, sovereignty? (rank in importance)

I’m not convinced any Party truly understands what’s currently influencing attitudes. Labour seems to have a weird and fuzzy view I’d like to see contextualised. Without that clarity I can’t see how they bring the country together, even if they win at the eventual election.

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I think it's almost certainly the case that the particularly bad deal negotiated by Johnson is a factor in how widespread Brexit regret is now. Had his government instead sought a 'softer' Brexit which retained closer trading ties to the EU then I doubt we would be seeing quite the scale of opposition we are now seeing. However, it's definitely worth us drilling down more into which factors are now influencing voters' decisions on this.

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Thanks Adam. A question for you - do you believe Labour has the intellectual and political bench strength to come up with policies that will resonate with the public? For ex: I’m not seeing an obvious Blair/Brown combo.

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I do think it's possible. Their early call for a freeze on energy bills and a windfall tax earlier this year were popular for example (and ultimately adopted by the government). I suspect they're still holding a lot back for the run up to the election.

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I hope you’re right because while my heart says to vote Labour my head doesn’t know what they stand for. I suspect I’m not alone.

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My personal view is that Labour should come out and say that this monetary nightmare need’s brought to a head and if this leads them to lose, so be it because Labour won’t be able to fix this mess so the madness falls at the Tory’s feet let them carry on and see how long they last before it will be just like it was when they tried introducing the Pole tax very nasty indeed!

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