Au contraire: Musk’s man child experiment will likely fail under the weight of the combination of debt interest in the loans he took out to fund this venture and accelerating losses as advertisers run for the hills. More important - vote with your wallet. After 13 years on Twitter I nuked my account in 2020. My rage levels fell from 110 to 20 almost overnight.

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You may well be right this time round, Den. One of the reasons we set up supplement was to find another way to our audience, bypassing Twitter and its rages. But it’s still fascinating to see this attempt to ‘change the conversation’ by a billionaire.

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Indeed. The math here is interesting because it’s not really about Twitter but the impact on Tesla and SpaceX. Depending on your math of choice, Musk shelled 2x, 3x what it was worth before events of the last few months. That’s a huge investment hole. If the perceived value of Twitter falls to levels more in line with what we see for Meta, Google et al then the picture gets pretty scary. Given Musk seems oblivious to the reality of advertiser sentiment, it’s mighty strange that he’s fomenting the tropes getting attention because in the long run, he’s the biggest loser. Because…the moment he sees margin calls on his Twitter borrowings, Tesla and SoaceX get whacked. Some calculations say the total impact on Musk could be as much as 75% of his net worth. If that happens (and we’re certainly not there yet) then his influence shrinks dramatically and much of this talk around right wing tropes etc evaporates. At least - that’s how I see it as a person who reads balance sheets.

But I get the concerns although I’d suggest that given Trump’s humiliation it perhaps matters less than we imagine.

And yes - loving the Supplement. Gr8 work.

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"Twitter is now at risk of a similar ‘death by a thousand cuts’ except the threat comes from inside the organization, rather than outside."

This line relates directly to three pages I sent Office of Appellate Operations in Virginia in 2019 in what is called a Request for Civil Action in relation to Public Health. I had been looking for the author that signed out his handy work with Namaste - his handy work being that of training and trafficking of his 'business plan' of ‘death by a thousand cuts’.

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