A New Mission - Exclusive Brexit Poll - How Fascism Works
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The British public is overwhelmingly in favour of realigning the UK’s trading rules with Europe, according to exclusive new polling commissioned by the Supplement.
Last week the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ruled out ever negotiating a so-called ‘Swiss-style Brexit’ with Brussels, in which post-Brexit trade barriers would be lifted.
"Under my leadership the United Kingdom will not pursue any relationship with Europe that relies on alignment with EU laws”, Sunak said.
However, our polling finds that an overwhelming majority of voters now disagree with him.
Among all decided voters, 81% said they would like the UK to align with EU rules if it means a closer trading relationship with Europe, with just 19% disagreeing.
63% of decided voters said they would like the UK to go even further and fully re-enter the European Single Market.
Although overall, most voters backed closer relations with Europe, a sizeable minority remain undecided. Among all voters around a quarter said they neither opposed, or supported, a Swiss-style Brexit, with a further 12% unsure.
However, the polling, which was conducted last week by pollsters Omnisis, also found that a majority of voters now believe Brexit has harmed the economy.
55% of all voters said that Britain’s exit from the EU had harmed our economy, with just nine per cent saying it had benefited it.
Overall 53% said that Brexit had been bad for the UK as a whole, with just 17% saying it has been positive.
The new polling shows clearly for the first time how the extreme position taken by Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives on Europe is now only shared by a small minority of British people.
Faced with rising prices, overwhelming bureaucracy, and a declining economy, most British people are now in favour of a major rethink of the UK’s relations with Brussels.
Even within Sunak’s Government, realisation of the disastrous nature of Brexit is starting to dawn.
In recent weeks figures within Jeremy Hunt’s Treasury briefed that the Government was considering negotiating a ‘Swiss-style’ Brexit in order to tear down trade barriers with our European neighbours.
However, within minutes of the briefings emerging, Sunak’s Government suffered a major backlash from Conservative MPs and other prominent Brexiteers, such as Nigel Farage.
Yet rather than face down this shrinking minority who still desire full isolation from Europe, Sunak has instead retreated to his Government’s former position.
By ruling out even a modest rapprochement with Europe, Sunak is allowing a minority of Brexiteers to hold the rest of us hostage inside what is increasingly obviously a failing economy.
As a result we are all being made poorer against our will.
In today’s special edition of the Byline Times podcast, Adrian Goldberg is joined from the United States by Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works – The Politics of Us And Them. The book, which was first published in 2018, has become increasingly relevant following Donald Trump’s announcement that he plans to stand again for President.
In a wide ranging conversation, which we are making available first to Supplement subscribers, Jason talks to Adrian about Brexit, the UK’s inglorious fascist past, the role of the media, and how authoritarianism on the left differs from that on the right.
You can listen to all of our previous episodes of the Byline Times podcast here.
Well done.
New community space much needed. What with the travesty that is the controlled demolition of twitter as a town hall for free speech & democracy.
Just a thought
Have you considered running your own mastadon server?
Dear Cathy, thank you for your response that still leaves me puzzled over the original premise laid out in the article. "All of that," as you phase it - the avalanche of adversity this country has and is experiencing, not in isolation I would add, that has no equal until you return to the beginnings of the Second World War.
How is it possible to extract the unequivocal thread of Brexit from the succession of catastrophic emergency policies and political gamesmanship that have brought us here?
I do feel used & conned, you are right about this and at my age I should know better, as the promise of Brexit was to make the UK independent, but this is a lie - we are a vessel state and work in parallel to the union of vessel states that is the EU. This stark reality must be apparent to all of us in the UK by now, as our livelihoods and our futures are being destroyed by a slow moving war of attrition that heralds the emergence of the new, multipolar world that will have little regard for the fate of its past masters.
We are being made poorer against our will - but I feel that Brexit is now an irrelevant issue, buried in the struggle for political relevance and direction that a collapsing fiat economy is causing.
Now is the time for a new political movement in the UK and a constitution for the people of this country that would serve to protect the future generations from the ambitions of a ruling class banking system - the EU incarnate.
In the end, this is just my point of view. I hope you found it interesting.