Satirist and Byline Times regular Martin Rowson explained at the end of last year on Byline TV the final inspiration needed to express the essence of Matt Hancock, in the news again over his competence as health minister during the Covid Pandemic, and for his appearance on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!
At the same time Martin issued a challenge for other artists to come up with their best depiction of soon-to-be ennobled Daily Mail supremo Paul Dacre. The Byline Team have selected what we consider to be the top 5 entries. You can find many other great drawings under the #DrawDacre hashtag on Twitter, but we can only poll five at at time.
Vote below on your favourite and do explain your choice in the comments section.
The Top Five Entries
Vote for a Winner
We haven’t decided what the prizes will be. Maybe the first prize will be a drink with Martin Rowson, and second prize — two drinks with him!
But please vote below — the deadline for voting is the morning of Saturday 4 January. And do support Martin’s book on Unbound, Rogues Gallery, a collection of the best satirical portraits from his Twitter #Draw Challenge
Martin Rowson on Caricaturing Matt Hancock - Vote on the Best Paul Dacre Cartoon